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Migration Guide

If you are using PactFlow's Classic user interface (UI), this document provides an overview of the key changes introduced in the new UI.

Viewing Integrations​

There is no longer a list of "integrations". Instead, the user interface is based around "applications". To discover the integrations for a specific application, you must first navigate to the application of your choice.

All integrations are visible from the dashboard page.Integrations are only shown for the selected application.
Integrations - beforeIntegrations - before


The matrix tab on the contract details page has been removed. It has been replaced with two separate tabs - the "Compatibility" and "Can I Deploy" tabs, accessible from the application versions page.

All versions of both consumer and provider are displayed in a single table.You must first select the application version to compare to the integrated application.
Integrations - beforeIntegrations - before

Can I Deploy​

This page has been removed. It has been replaced by local "Can I Deploy" tab accessible from the application versions page.

Can I Deploy requires you to complete all of the same options you can enter into the CLICan I Deploy shows the deployability of the currently selected application version. To see the main or other branch compatibility, see the compatibility tab.
Can I Deploy - BeforeCan I Deploy - Deploy Compatibility
Can I Deploy - Branch Compatibility

Triggered Webhooks​

Triggered webhooks are now only visible from the Webhooks settings page.

Triggered webhooks for specific integration are visible directly in the integration viewTriggered webhooks are visible from the webhooks settings page.
Triggered Webhooks - beforeTriggered Webhooks - before

HAL explorer​

Needs you to select a token. Can also test the APIs in context of read-only/read-write

The HAL browser was accessible at the URL /hal-browser/The HAL browser has been replaced by the HAL explorer, and accessible at the URL /explorer. When accessing the HAL explorer, you can now select which API token to authenticate API calls with