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Run the provider tests

When we run the provider verification step on a local development machine, we do not publish the verification results. This is why we only need a read only token for development work. Your CI/CD system would use a system account and a read/write token to publish results.

  1. Go to the Settings > API Tokens page in your PactFlow account
  2. Find the section Read Only token
  3. select COPY ENV VARS - this will pre-populate the next code snippet for you
  4. Create a .env file in the root of your provider project and paste the contents into the file - it should look something like the following:
PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL=<the base URL of your PactFlow account>
PACT_BROKER_TOKEN=<the read only token you copied from your settings page>

Then run:

make test

This runs the test suite for the provider codebase. The pacts for this provider are verified in product/product.pact.test.js.

It is configured to fetch the latest pacts for this provider that have been tagged by the consumer as 'master', and the pacts for the application versions that are currently deployed via Consumer Version Selectors.

The recommended setup when using tags is here and used in this legacy workshop, please note this is superseded by branches/environments in the main ci/cd workshop

The tests should pass!

You now have your local development environment setup, for both the consumer and provider side, and can publish pacts, and verify them.

You are now ready for the advanced workshop where you will get to understand how Pact provides approaches for implementing new features for an integration following a "consumer driven contracts" process, while ensuring continuous delivery is supported.