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This section describes certain issues you might face while logging into PactFlow and explains how to resolve them.

"You are not authorized to access this Pactflow account"​

There are two reasons this error may occur:

1. Your email has not been confirmed​

Please check your inbox for an email with the subject "Verify your email" from and choose "confirm my account".

After this, you should be able to login.

2. You have not been invited to the account​

Users who created the account (initial users) or received an invitation to an account are able to login.

Github login error​

If you get an invalid_grant: {"error":"invalid_grant"} error while logging into PactFlow using Github, clear your browser cookies before logging in again.

Getting a 401 Unauthorized when publishing or verifying pacts​

The most common reasons for API authentication failures are:

  1. Using an old version of Pact library that does not support the PactFlow authentication scheme (bearer token authentication).
    • To resolve this, make sure you are using the latest Pact library version for your language.
  2. Attempting to access the API with a username and password instead of an API token.
  3. Using a read-only token instead of a read/write token.

Additionally, on September 11 of 2023, the basic authentication feature for legacy plans was decommissioned. See the guide on upgrading to a supported authentication mode.