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Publishing Contracts

Publishing the Consumer Contract to PactFlow​

Publishing a consumer contract is the same as publishing a regular Pact. For details on publishing pact files to PactFlow, refer to Sharing Pacts with the Pact Broker.

Publishing the Provider Contract + Results to PactFlow​

There are several ways PactFlow can be used to publish contracts.

The links in the list will take you to the respective documentation in each repo.

Otherwise see the Installation section and Usage instructions on this page.

  1. Docker
  2. Pact Standalone CLI
  3. Pact Broker Client (Ruby)
  4. Github Actions



  • The Pact Broker CLI is packaged with the other Ruby command line tools in the pactfoundation/pact-cli Docker image.
docker pull pactfoundation/pact-cli

Pact Standalone CLI​

  • Download the latest pact-ruby-standalone package.
    • Available from version v1.89.00 and upwards
  • Installation instructions are provided in the above link, for windows / macos / linux
  • You do not need Ruby to run the CLI, as the Ruby runtime is packaged with the executable using Travelling Ruby.
windows (bash shell)​
 curl -LO && \
unzip && \
./pact/bin/pactflow.bat help
curl -LO && \
tar xzf pact-1.89.00-osx.tar.gz && \
./pact/bin/pactflow help
curl -LO && \
tar xzf pact-1.89.00-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && \
./pact/bin/pactflow help

Pact Broker Client (Ruby)​

  • Either
    • Add gem 'pact_broker-client' to your Gemfile and run bundle install
    • Install the gem directly by running
        gem install pact_broker-client

GitHub Actions​

Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.

- name: publish-provider-contract action
uses: pactflow/actions/publish-provider-contract@v0.0.2



pactflow publish-provider-contract CONTRACT_FILE ... --provider=PROVIDER -a,
--provider-app-version=PROVIDER_APP_VERSION -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL

# The provider name
-a, --provider-app-version=PROVIDER_APP_VERSION
# The provider application version
-h, [--branch=BRANCH]
# Repository branch of the provider version
-t, [--tag=TAG]
# Tag name for provider version. Can be specified multiple
# The contract specification
# Default: oas
# The content type. eg. application/yml
[--verification-success], [--no-verification-success]
# Whether or not the self verification passed successfully.
# The exit code of the verification process. Can be used instead
of --verification-success|--no-verification-success for a
simpler build script.
# The path to the file containing the output from the
verification process
# The content type of the verification output eg. text/plain,
# The format of the verification output eg. junit, text
# The tool used to verify the provider contract
# The version of the tool used to verify the provider contract
# The build URL that created the provider contract
-o, [--output=OUTPUT]
# json or text
# Default: text
-b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL
# The base URL of the Pact Broker
-u, [--broker-username=BROKER_USERNAME]
# Pact Broker basic auth username
-p, [--broker-password=BROKER_PASSWORD]
# Pact Broker basic auth password
-k, [--broker-token=BROKER_TOKEN]
# Pact Broker bearer token
-v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]
# Verbose output. Default: false


docker run --rm -v /${PWD}:/${PWD} -w ${PWD} \
pactfoundation/pact-cli: \
pactflow publish-provider-contract \
oas/swagger.yml \
--provider "pactflow-example-bi-directional-provider-postman" \
--provider-app-version 3a0994c \
--branch test-pactflow-command \
--content-type application/yaml \
--verification-exit-code=0 \
--verification-results newman/newman-run-report-2022-06-09-14-18-33-406-0.json \
--verification-results-content-type text/plain \
--verifier postman

Pact Standalone CLI​

./pact/bin/pactflow publish-provider-contract \
oas/swagger.yml \
--provider "pactflow-example-bi-directional-provider-postman" \
--provider-app-version 3a0994c \
--branch test-pactflow-command \
--content-type application/yaml \
--verification-exit-code=0 \
--verification-results newman/newman-run-report-2022-06-09-14-03-30-715-0.json \
--verification-results-content-type text/plain \
--verifier postman

Pact Broker Client (Ruby)​

pactflow publish-provider-contract \
oas/swagger.yml \
--provider "pactflow-example-bi-directional-provider-postman" \
--provider-app-version 3a0994c \
--branch test-pactflow-command \
--content-type application/yaml \
--verification-exit-code=0 \
--verification-results newman/newman-run-report-2022-06-09-14-03-30-715-0.json \
--verification-results-content-type text/plain \
--verifier postman

GitHub Actions​

# (This just saves defining these multiple times for different pact jobs)
version: "1.2.3"
application_name: "my-api-provider"
pact_broker: ${{ secrets.PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL }}
pact_broker_token: ${{ secrets.PACT_BROKER_TOKEN }}

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# MANDATORY: Must use 'checkout' first
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Publish provider contract on passing test run
if: success()
uses: pactflow/actions/publish-provider-contract@v2
version: "1.2.3"
application_name: "my-api-provider"
broker_url: ${{ secrets.PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL }}
token: ${{ secrets.PACT_BROKER_TOKEN }}
contract: src/oas/user.yml
contract_content_type: application/yaml # optional, defaults to application/yml
verification_results: src/results/
- name: Publish provider contract on failing test run
# ensure we publish results even if the tests fail
if: failure()
uses: pactflow/actions/publish-provider-contract@v2
version: "1.2.3"
application_name: "my-api-provider"
broker_url: ${{ secrets.PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL }}
token: ${{ secrets.PACT_BROKER_TOKEN }}
contract: src/oas/user.yml
verification_results: src/results/
# ensure we set the verification_exit_code to ensure we upload a failing self-verification result
verification_exit_code: 1 # defaults to 0 (success)

<!-- ### Directly via API

1. `publish_contracts` ([API Reference]( / [Example via Makefile]( / [Example Script](
2. This will associate the `version` with a `provider contract`

#### Example

We will take you through an example below.

> The standard authorization environment variables are used here.

Here is an example bash script that uses `cURL` to create the branch version for the specified application to PactFlow.

1. `` ([API Reference]( / [Example via Makefile]( / [Example Script](


echo "==> Creating version branch for ${PACTICIPANT}"
curl \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${PACT_BROKER_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
"${PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL}/pacticipants/${PACTICIPANT}/branches/${GIT_BRANCH}/versions/${COMMIT}" \
-d '{}

Here is an example bash script that uses cURL to upload the the OAS and test results to PactFlow.

  1. (API Reference) / Example via Makefile / Example Script

if [ "${1}" != "true" ]; then
OAS=$(cat oas/swagger.yml | base64) # Pass the "-w 0" flag if on linux
REPORT=$(cat /path/to/report.file | base64)

echo "==> Uploading OAS to PactFlow"
curl \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${PACT_BROKER_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
"${PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL}/contracts/provider/${PACTICIPANT}/version/${COMMIT}" \
-d '{
"content": "'$OAS'",
"contractType": "oas",
"contentType": "application/yaml",
"verificationResults": {
"success": '$SUCCESS',
"content": "'$REPORT'",
"contentType": "text/plain",
"verifier": "verifier"

Usage: ./ true|false

Request Details​

publish_contracts (API Reference) / Example via Makefile / Example Script


The request should be a PUT to the following path:

  • baseURL

    The base URL of your PactFlow account e.g.

  • application

    The name of the provider API application

  • version

    The version of the provider API application


The following describes the body that should be sent in the API

  • content

    The base64 encoded contents of the OAS (see base64 encoding below)

  • contractType

    Must be oas

  • content_type

    Must be application/yaml

  • verificationResults

    This object contains the information about the test results

  • verificationResults.success

    A boolean value indicating if the tests passed or failed (one of true or false)

  • verificationResults.content

    The base64 encoded test results, which may be any output of your choosing (see base64 encoding below).

  • verificationResults.contentType

    The content type of the results. Must be a valid mime type

  • verificationResults.verifier

    The name of the tool used to perform the verification
