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Database migrations

Auto migration

Schema migrations are run automatically on start up, unless the PACTFLOW_DATABASE_AUTO_MIGRATE environment variable is set to false. Data migrations are also run automatically on start up, after the schema migrations, and ensure that any data inserted into the database by a previous version of the application are migrated. This allows you to perform no-downtime, rolling upgrades across your cluster, ensuring any data inserted into latest database schema by the nodes running the previous version of the application are safely migrated.

Manual migration

The migrations can be run manually against the database before upgrading the PactFlow Docker image if desired (however, this is generally not necessary).

docker pull

# Identify the current version before migrating
docker run --rm \
--env PACTFLOW_DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:password@host:port/database" \
--entrypoint db-version \

# Perform the migrations
docker run --rm \
--env PACTFLOW_DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:password@host:port/database" \
--entrypoint db-migrate \


To perform a manual rollback, first identify the number of the migration target using the PactFlow image with the tag you wish to rollback to.

TAG="<version of PactFlow you wish to rollback to>"
docker run --rm \
--entrypoint /bin/sh \
--volume $PWD/pactflow-onprem.lic:/home/pactflow-onprem.lic \${TAG} \
-c "ls /home/pact_broker_fork/db/migrations | grep \d | sort | tail -n 1 | cut -d '_' -f1"

Then, perform the rollback using the PactFlow image that belongs to the database version currently deployed.

TAG="<current version of PactFlow>"
docker run --rm \
--volume $PWD/pactflow-onprem.lic:/home/pactflow-onprem.lic \
--env PACTFLOW_DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:password@host:port/database" \
--env PACTFLOW_DATABASE_MIGRATION_TARGET="<migration number to roll back to>" \
--entrypoint db-migrate \${TAG}

Minor and patch version upgrades

Upgrades between any minor or patch versions with the same major versions do not need any migration path.

Major version upgrades

For major version upgrades, please upgrade to the most recent patch version of the previous major version before upgrading to the next major version.